She's Here!!!!
Cali Ann Vause
She was born on November 19 At 9:16am.
Weight-7lb 15 ounces
Height- 21 1/4

More pictures to come!

41 weeks!!!

This is me at 41 weeks! This is also the night I went into labor!

This is our little couch potato!


Emma was the cutest ladybug for halloween. She had a great time and loved all the candy! She still has to wear her costume everyday!


Emma and I made some cupcakes for halloween. They were very yummy. Emma loves to bake and every sprinkle has to be in the right spot.

Pumpkin Carving

A few weeks before Halloween we went and got some pumpkin to carve and one for Emma to paint. She really wanted a pink pumpkin so she painted the whole thing pink and loved it. Miles got very into carving his. It had to be just right! It turned out great a little scary but great.
The sad thing is with Florida weather it only lasted a couple day and then it was rotten. Nobody got to see it on Halloween. It was fun while it lasted.

So a few weeks ago we went to the Butterfly Museum in Gainesville. We had so much fun. Their were so many butterfly and flowers all around you! They also had hatching butterfly's and huge fossils. Emma loved it. I recommend it to anyone and kids will love it!