Getting Big!

30 weeks pregnant. Only a few more to go!!!

Emma is getting so big!

Wednesday was Emma's first day of school! Well kinda, she is going to a mommy's morning out program two days a week. She loves it! We went shopping and let her pick out a backpack, which she loves. I thought she would be a little scared,but thats not the case. I opened the door she said "Bye Mommy" and went and played with kids. I was the sad one!! My baby is all grown up.

Baking with Emma!!

Emma and I made this yummy cake! Emma loves licking the spoon thats all she wanted to do the whole time. Im sure all little kids are like that. Im sad to say but this cake only lasted a couple days. It keep calling my Name OK!!!!!! You cant leave a huge chocolate cake out in front of a pregnant woman!!

Night out on the town!

Last week Miles, Emma and I headed to Orlando. We had a blast! First Miles and I got to go to the temple for a couple hours while Miles parent watched Emma. Then we went to downtown Disney. Emma loved it, so many new things for here to see! My favorite store was the Ghirardelli Chocolate. That chocolate is sooooo good.

Yes, that is me riding on a kids train ride almost 7 months pregnant.